Next Move’s New Family Shelter – June 2015
Next Move, with collaboration and funding from Goodwill of Sacramento Valley & Northern Nevada, and a myriad of community partners, completed a major renovation of our family shelter in June 2015. The project added 30 more beds to the original 55, added three new classrooms, a top-notch commercial kitchen, a new dining room, a computer lab and space for a new SETA Head Start Program. With this higher quality and more functional facility, we not only serve more families, we are able to provide more robust wrap around services that enable them to transition from homelessness to permanent housing.
Many thanks to North State Building Industry Association’s HomeAid Sacramento, USA Properties Fund, Goodwill Industries of Sacramento Valley Northern Nevada, the State of California and many community supporters who provided their time, talent and treasure to help us make this vision a reality!
See coverage from local CBS Sacramento News and read more from our friends at Sacramento News & Review