Dear Friend of Next Move,
Last year we housed over 350 people in our Family Shelter. Many of whom have stories like Tracy—a single mother, overcoming an abusive relationship that left her homeless with two young children and one on the way.
Seeking safety at Next Move has given Tracy not just shelter but, more importantly, a community where she has been able to re-establish herself and her values of giving back. One of the ways she does this is by tending to our Community Garden each and every day.
Rebuilt this year to provide fresh vegetables to Family Shelter guests, the Community Garden is also a place for workshops on nutrition and health that teaches beneficial life skills. Lending a hand has given Tracy an opportunity to stay engaged while she waits to return to work after having her third child. It also connects her to her mom who was a life-long gardener and, in doing so, gives her strength to carry on for her own children during these difficult times.
We share her story because it is the story of many who fall homeless through unfortunate situations without family or friends to call on. Your donations give them a chance to start again.
Make a difference this summer and send in your gift today to give Tracy and other families in our Family Shelter fresh food and inspiration for a fresh start.
In Gratitude,
Next Move, Sacramento
P.S. Learn more about the Community Garden and DONATE TODAY to keep precious families like Tracy’s off the streets and safe during these hot summer months.